Monthly Archives: January 2019

Bitcoin: What’s in a Name?

What’s in a name? That which we call a roseBy any other word would smell as sweet.-Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare Bitcoin is suffering from an identity crisis. There are three different coins that claim they are real Bitcoin: Bitcoin Core (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision (BSV). Will the real Bitcoin please stand up? Contention over the name …

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The Power of Money Button

If money is power then control of money is absolute power. Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.Nathan Rothschild The power of the control of money allows major payment processors (and by extension governments that regulate processors) to curb free speech as evidenced by bans of Wikileaks, Gab and the deplatforming of …

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Crypto Must Die

There are over 2,100 coins listed on This is the result of the greatest hype and speculation cycle in modern times. I have been pondering how this clusterf*ck resolves itself. Coins, unlike companies, don’t go bankrupt. As long as a group of nerds is mining a coin in their basement that coin can survive. This means that hundreds of …

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2019 Predictions

Before we go into predictions for 2019 here is a recap of predictions I’ve made in the past: Trump will win the Presidential Election SP will crash before Jan 1 2019 from September 2018 update from July prediction here Buy Bitcion when it was under $1,000 Bitcoin to Supermoon (at price $750) Calling out the WSJ for being a signal of a top …

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