Monthly Archives: April 2017

Bitcoin: We haven’t seen anything yet

Bitcoin and the Cryptocurrency market are on fire. And it’s quite possible we haven’t seen anything yet. Here’s a two year chart. Look at the trendline. That trendline is the beginning of the trend noted below. We are moving from Innovators to Early Adopters.. Money is flowing in. Notice we will go vertical soon (late 2017 to 2018-ish) to fulfill on …

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When will Bitcoin reach $10,000?

Bitcoin will reach $10,000. But when? As of today, in the year of our lord 2017, several parties are battling it out for control of Bitcoin. Core Developers (the team that has current access to update Bitcoin code) has declined all requests for improvements to Bitcoin code. Result: Bitcoin has not evolved. Bitcoin Unlimited, SegWit etc. Groups that insist Bitcoin change code …

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