Monthly Archives: June 2012

You know nothing John Snow (FB and YELP)

A few weeks ago there were several IBC blog posts bashing FB and YELP. I should know, I wrote several of them. Look at them now. FB is up more than 20% since June 1. YELP up for 50% gain. RaginCajun and ChessNWine opened and closed FB positions. IBC blamed FB for everything from egregious stock losses to impotence. There …

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Stick a Fork in $YELP

Google just added a “Local” section to Google+. LOL NO ONE USES GOOGLE+ you say? Partially true. Today. But the people that matter do (the early adopters), and the rest will follow. Google has a long term plan to organize the world’s information. Ever use their search? They seem to be doing a pretty good job of it so far. …

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