Day 2 of Kleiman vs Wright is nearing completion. The mid day update was that “Mastering Bitcoin” author Andreas Antonopolous was cross examined by Craig Wright’s defense team. The defense put forth the theory that Andreas was not a Bitcoin expert but instead a social media celebrity with an economics education equivalent to a high schooler as well as lacking impartiality due to his personal financial interest in Dr Wright losing the case.
One of the best summaries of the current BSV landscape is provided by Unbounded Capital. I highly recommend reading the entire post. The overview section states:
A Florida civil suit over the $70+ billion Satoshi fortune that started November 1st could lead to broad market awareness that Dr. Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto. This could have significant short term price impacts on Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV), a version of Bitcoin which Craig Wright is heavily associated with and endorses as “the real Bitcoin”. We believe that the market has an outdated perception of Craig Wright and the potential that he is Satoshi Nakamoto. Additional scrutiny of existing evidence due to the high profile nature of the trial as well as the potential for new evidence presented in trial could significantly change public sentiment regarding the likelihood that Craig Wright is Satoshi. We believe this could result in a rapid and significant price increase for BSV, due to its association with Craig Wright, its technical merits and market traction which have been overlooked to this point, and in part because of its accessibility to retail investors via Robinhood. BSV is also one of the most shorted cryptos, meaning that there is potential for both a short squeeze and a gamma squeeze, the latter in part due to positions held by Unbounded Capital.
The outcome of this trial could reshape the entire 1 trillion dollar crypto market. Are you paying attention?
The rubber has met the road. It’s all or nothing from here.