Monthly Archives: December 2017

Merry Cryptmas from John McAfee

John McAfee of “I will eat my own dick”, selling AntiVirus empire to INTC for $7B and marrying prostitutes 30 years his junior fame is handing out presents this week. Beginning tomorrow, I will each day talk about a unique altcoin. Most of the 2,000 coins are trash or scams. I've read every white paper. The few I'm connected to I …

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The Million Dollar Crypto Post

The Crypto correction we all knew was coming is here. It’s not clear how deep we will go but in this post I will share info that will make you money in 2018. In my previous blogs I urged iBC’ers to put a small percentage of your portfolio into Crypto starting back when BTC was under $1,000. Then I called …

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In Crypto, Tis But A Flesh Wound

You thought I was kidding when I said I am dead inside. I am a black hole. Throw catastrophic losses that would have most traders set themselves on fire and I don’t even blink. No emotion. Experiencing a 60% drawdown within 36 hours frays your nervous system. This isn’t my first rodeo so I watch in amusement while newbies assume the …

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Crypto Correction

You took some profit right? You had a trading plan. You executed it flawlessly. Your fibs were drawn with care and your stops optimized for textbook 4:1 Risk/Reward ratios. Good. If not, enjoy this feeling. Nothing has you more alive than a swift 20% market wide correction. Your portfolio decimated, your plans for next year’s vacation wiped out. It may not …

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My Worst Crypto Video Ever

I made this video last night with zero prep. It rambles. I think out loud. It’s all over the place. It’s simply awful and you shouldn’t watch it. And I’m sharing it because given today’s action there were several good calls, especially XMR. I maintain XMR price target of $1,000 in 2018 (still own zero at the moment). The gist …

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Monero, The Little Pony That Could

If Bitcoin is the Honey Badger then Monero is the Pony Badger. (Monero’s lead dev goes by the name FluffyPony) If you’ve been following me I mention XMR often. I have no position now. In fact, I sold it at $85. Today Monero is a few dollars away from $500. You’d think this would be me right now: But I’m …

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Charlie Lee, LTC Founder, Sells Everything

Charlie Lee AKA @SatoshiLite, the founder of Litecoin, is in the news today saying he has sold all of his LTC due to potential conflicts of interest. In typical Crypto nerd fashion he wrote a Reddit post about it. Reddit is garbage but here’s the link and a screenshot from last week where Mr Lee said he does not like to …

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Bitcoin Butthurt ATH

Bitcoin Cash was listed on Coinbase yesterday and the price enjoyed a violent move upwards. This was all telegraphed and predictable. There are a lot of retail investors looking for crypto exposure and Coinbase is a primary onramp for fiat. So, Christmas came early as I expected BCH to be listed closer to January 1st. Epic winship for anyone who followed me into …

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Bitcoin Time Traveler

I used my time machine today to research what positions will be most valuable to the iBC community in 2018. I returned to find a BCH explosion over $3,000 for a 100% rally in just under 3 days and a casual 1,000% since mid October. That’s good. Know what’s better? When you’re 98% in that asset. I’m not playing piker position …

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One Crypto Stock To Rule Them All

M G T I. Up another 30% today. I called MGTI hitting $10 when it was around $3, possibly lower. All my brokerage accounts are fully loaded in MGTI. I got shook out of one account but I corrected that error. Yes MGTI is up 300% in a short time. Not worried. I am upping my target to $20 in …

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