
Stocks – Hot Stove edition

There are certain stocks from which we learn hard lessons. If you trade then you have at least one rags to riches to rags story. Or a tragic margin call that takes a winning portfolio and kicks it down an open manhole. But as they say, time heals all wounds. And you find yourself lured back to a certain hypnotic ticker, …

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BAML – We may already be in the matrix

I guess writing about actual markets are just too boring for the analysts at Bank of America. In a note to clients out Tuesday, Bank of America Merrill Lynch said there’s a 20%-50% chance that we’re living in the matrix — meaning that the world we experience as “real” is actually just a simulation. Well fuck it then. YOLO.

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Arcade City WTF

Arcade City, the decentralized ride sharing service that will compete with Uber and run on Bitcoin, is available on the Apple App Store. I downloaded the app and logged in. The message I got was below: Arcadians in San Diego need a combined 1307402 karma to reach City Level 1 and unlock ridesharing functionality. Current city Karma: 68 out of …

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Britain to Mastercard: Bugger off

The Brits are suing Mastercard for $18 Billion citing high fees as an “invisible tax”. The lawsuit comes after the European Union’s antitrust regulator found in 2014 Mastercard’s fees to store owners to process international payments within the EU were excessive. Law firm Quinn Emanuel said the lawsuit was the largest damages claim in British history and would be brought …

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Harvard professor on Curse of Cash Couple of interesting statements: There are 4,000 $100 bills in circulation for every man, woman and child in the US. In many foreign countries up to 90% of US bills are $100 denominations. Regarding Bitcoin he states “They allow it for now and they’ll prevent it in the future”. Other than outlawing Bitcoin, like FDR outlawed gold, that shows …

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