Technical Analysis

SPYing A Trend

The SP500, aka the SPY, has been on a tear since the low of $2,200 on March 23rd. To the disbelief of many, the market has been on a V shaped recovery so far. As I am a primarily a trend trader and use the Ichimoku Cloud as my primary technical trend indicator I noticed today that the SPY had …

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The Trend is your Friend

Jesse Livermore, the legendary early 20th century stock trader, is the single greatest influence on my trading mindset. If you have not read “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator” and/or “The Boy Plunger” I recommend you buy and read them immediately. These books about Jesse Livermore’s life are entertaining and highly educational for everyone, trader or not. One of the best …

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BTC Bull or Bear

There are many Technical Analysts calling for a big BTC rally. Bullish case from popular TA guru masterluc: I am not convinced we can apply the previous log trend to the future of BTC for several reasons: BTC hit it’s scaling limit and experienced very high fees. Nothing has been done to address this matter. Lightning Network is still vaporware. …

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