Small Payments are Big Business

There is a growing trend of using credit cards in place of cash. This is surprising given the fees and usability for credit cards for small payments. Many of us know that using credit cards online or in retail businesses is a poor experience and the experience is only getting worse. Do you swipe or use the chip? Do you …

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Mayer Multiple for Bitcoin Cash

Ask 100 market analysts when to buy or sell a Cryptocurrency and you’ll get 100 different answers. Some methods of valuation are better than others. One simple method I like is called the Mayer Multiple (MM). Trace Mayer is the man behind the Mayer Multiple but it’s on The Investor Podcast site where they’ve taken this metric to a new …

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Waiting patiently

This pattern will resolve soon. Conveniently around the same time as when BCH fork drama is resolved. (click for big)

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No Turning Back

Crypto is super weird right now. Bitcoin Cash is headed towards a critical moment. Summarizing from the highest levels there is a disagreement about future features to be implemented in November. On one side you have nChain, gaming billionaire Calvin Ayre and Dr Craig Wright. The BCH argument is Bitcoin Cash is money. Don’t mess with the base protocol, which …

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Manias, Bubbles and S Curves

In late 2017 I talked to Fly about doing an IBC Crypto Boot Camp. I created some content but didn’t follow through with Fly on organizing the Boot Camp. So, I’ll release the material I created for free. High level summary is that Crypto is in an S Curve of adoption. The bubbles along the way are expected and opportunities …

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Crypto is a crime scene. Chalk outlines and blood splatters of liquidated longs are all that remain. This means one thing. Time to buy the blood. There’s no doubt Crypto got the hammer in 2018. Good. December 2017 was gluttony. I am a crypto bull and I was annoyed by the prancing lambo moon soyboys in spacecat t shirts and …

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Crypto Strikes Back

DOUCHE bank is going to collapse, Italy is going to stuff all of EU’s debt into it’s boot then flush it into the Mediterranean and GDPR is the canary in the coal mine that Big Data social media companies are grossly overvalued. The Fed has put a bid under the market for 10 years. Maybe they will do it another …

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Crypto Wasteland

The moment you stock trading knuckle draggers have been waiting for is here. Crypto is experiencing another ass kicking and you get to mean mug the Crypto world while sitting on your FANG + TSLA genius level of creativity portfolio. You feel validated in your skepticism. Vainglorious in your decision to pass on Crypto. A smirk a mile wide crosses …

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BTFD in Crypto?

I sold more EOS for BCH this past week and added to my fiat. I didn’t like the uncertainty in the charts. Crypto was dancing on the edge of a razor blade. BCH was on critical support at ~$1200. It held for days (unusual in Crypto). I was waiting for confirmation if this was accumulation or distribution. BTC is breaking …

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Here’s Some Crypto TA

First, a palate cleanser: Of the 1600 coins on coinmarketcap 733 are only tokens. In other words, no blockchain. Basically, they are a whitepaper and a website. — Coinspeak (@coinspeak_io) May 10, 2018 Bear case on BTC: Be careful if BTC rally fails around 9600. It's all still range bound between 8600 and 10k. — Coinspeak (@coinspeak_io) May …

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