$TWLO catching a wave

Possibly in Wave 5 of this structure. Price limited to ~$80 max before we’ll enter corrective phase.  

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Breakout in $ILMN and $NOW

ServiceNow $NOW breaks out of Triple Top and resistance going back to January. Conservatively wait till 80 or $81 or build a small position today sub $80. Stop at $73. Illumina $ILMN breaks quadruple top and resistance going back to January. Stop at $164.

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BHP Billiton to use Blockchain

$BHP to use Ethereum and a custom Blockchain to track mining information. BHP Billiton revealed at the second annual Global Blockchain Summit that it will use blockchain to record movements of wellbore rock and fluid samples and better secure the real-time data that is generated during delivery. According to BHP geophysicist R Tyler Smith, the new system will enable benefits for …

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Whales Welcome at Winklevoss Bitcoin Exchange

The Winklevoss Gemini Bitcoin Exchange daily auction went live this week. This article highlights the benefits of their daily auction for Bitcoin to fill large orders without moving the price. It’s a place whales can feed in peace. How Does Auction Work? All eligible orders will be filled at the final auction price at 4:00 p.m. ET. The final auction price …

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Bitcoin, the Reserve (Crypto) Currency

BitMEX is out with an article on Bitcoin as a Reserve Currency for Cryptocurrency traders. The holy grail for many users is a cryptocurrency that has a growing market cap, and falling price volatility. A large market cap helps improve liquidity and reduce transactions costs. Falling volatility means that Bitcoin can retain its value for longer periods of time. That …

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Your typical Bitcoiner

This enterprising YouTuber is technically selling his house for Litecoin (rather than Bitcoin), but there are so many great things about this clip I had to share it. Whether they choose Bitcoin or a shitcoin, there are people putting their money down on Cryptocurrency. For every pick up driving, no seatbelt wearing and possibly open container law breaking Duck Dynasty reject there are …

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Mr Robot nails it on Bitcoin

A potential conversation that banks may be having about Bitcoin is depicted on Mr Robot. They even hit on Bitcoin weakness (transaction limits).

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BAML – We may already be in the matrix

I guess writing about actual markets are just too boring for the analysts at Bank of America. In a note to clients out Tuesday, Bank of America Merrill Lynch said there’s a 20%-50% chance that we’re living in the matrix — meaning that the world we experience as “real” is actually just a simulation. Well fuck it then. YOLO.

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Arcade City WTF

Arcade City, the decentralized ride sharing service that will compete with Uber and run on Bitcoin, is available on the Apple App Store. I downloaded the app and logged in. The message I got was below: Arcadians in San Diego need a combined 1307402 karma to reach City Level 1 and unlock ridesharing functionality. Current city Karma: 68 out of …

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An $AAPL a day will make you gay

$AAPL broke ascending triple top triangle yesterday. (triangles are also gay) I don’t believe this will stick. It’s iPhone hype. Still, noting a pattern on $AAPL is worth documenting. Let’s see how it plays out. What do you think? The great thing about TA is it only deals with charts and doesn’t give a shit about my opinion, that was …

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