
Bitcoin gets punked

Bitcoin hits resistance at $630 and shits the bed back to $600 in less than an hour. Possible cause? Who the fuck knows. You have to love the volatility of Cryptocurrencies. Was it Hillary passing out at World Trade? Did some Chinese news hit? Cryptocurrency makes Chinese Burritos look like old man 401k stocks. Industry change (fintech) isn’t always pretty or …

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You won’t see this on CNBC

Here’s an interview with Riccardo Spagni AKA FluffyPony who is a core developer of the cryptocurrency Monero. One of the interviewers spends the first couple minutes using a sharpie to draw a tie on his shirtless body. In the first five minutes they joke about FluffyPony’s involvement in Monero as him playing the “long con” and his planned “exit …

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Bitcoin vs Gold

One year chart. Gold performed well over past 12 months but Bitcoin performed better. Bitcoin will crush your dreams if you chase it. It’s up from $575 to $630. Above this resistance we have $700+ within reach. A trip back to $575 would be a buying opportunity.

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Harvard professor on Curse of Cash Couple of interesting statements: There are 4,000 $100 bills in circulation for every man, woman and child in the US. In many foreign countries up to 90% of US bills are $100 denominations. Regarding Bitcoin he states “They allow it for now and they’ll prevent it in the future”. Other than outlawing Bitcoin, like FDR outlawed gold, that shows …

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Bitcoin ready to pop, but which direction?

Bitcoin has been in a relatively stable range with a midpoint of $570. Within past few hours we’ve printed $597. A move of ~5% is not a big deal on the Bitcoin volatility scale but is this the start of an upside move, a bull trap or just a blip? Bitcoiners are watching closely. Overall Bitcoin has been in an uptrend …

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Brave Browser is tits

I downloaded the Brave Browser and I am impressed. Sites are loading faster than Chrome and all the annoying ads are gone. Brave also has a built in Bitcoin wallet to reward sites I visit most via micropayments. As an example, CNN is a pig of a site that takes 5-10 seconds to fully load in Chrome. That extra time …

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We’ve reached peak Facebook, YouTube etc.

Le Fly posted about YouTube blocking certain content creators. Reminds me of Twitter and Facebook “curating” their users’ newsfeeds. Should we be surprised? No. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This type of subjective censorship won’t last on the Internet. There are now decentralized competitors popping up in many areas: Arcade City vs Uber, Steemit vs Reddit, YouTube vs ????. An example of …

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Bitcoin: not just for Neckbeards anymore

Bitcoin is easy to mock. With Kim Dotcom, Mike Tyson, Mike Karpeles, Winklevii and Roger Ver as public faces of Bitcoin it’s tempting to write Bitcoin off as a nerd money fad. However, things change quickly. Remember, only nerds used computers less than 20 years ago. Now everyone owns smartphones, tablets and 1-2 computers. The video below does a good job showing …

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Megaupload founder says buy Bitcoin

If you haven’t heard of Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom then hold on because you are in for a treat. His Wikipedia: Kim Dotcom (born Kim Schmitz; 21 January 1974), …. first rose to fame in Germany in the 1990s as a teenage internet entrepreneur. In 1994 he received a two-year suspended sentence for computer fraud and data espionage because he was underage, and …

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Arcade City to launch Sept 1st

Arcade City is a decentralized ride sharing service set to launch September 1st. It aims to compete with Uber and Lyft. What makes Arcade City different is that it’s goal is to have the Arcade City network be the service. Riders and drivers will connect via an app and all payments will be automated peer to peer. There will never …

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