
How to Save BSV

NOTE: I wrote  this post before the Hodlnaut trial, Craig’s return to Twitter and the zero transaction miner so I won’t address those topics here. In this post I am offering my take on how to save BSV. Who am I and why should you read this? I have 30 years of business experience in tech, sales, management and finance. …

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The Kleiman vs Wright Bitcoin trial has come to a conclusion and Craig Wright’s defense won on all counts except one.  The plaintiffs won regarding “conversion” of assets in W&K Info Defense at the time of Dave Kleiman’s death. The price tag on the conversion ruling is $100M. So how is a $100M judgement a win for Wright? $100M is a …

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Day 2 of Kleiman vs Wright is nearing completion. The mid day update was that “Mastering Bitcoin” author Andreas Antonopolous was cross examined by Craig Wright’s defense team. The defense put forth the theory that Andreas was not a Bitcoin expert but instead a social media celebrity with an economics education equivalent to a high schooler as well as lacking …

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Crypto Fundamentals

The term “Crypto Fundamentals” is an oxymoron. The two words don’t belong in the same sentence. Ethereum network fees are north of $50. Some NFT projects on ETH have suspended operations due to high fees. BTC, the market cap leader in the space, is capped at transmitting 1MB of data globally every 10 minutes. DOGE is #10 by market cap. Do …

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Who is John Galt?

In three days the Kleiman vs Wright trial will begin in Florida. Ira Kleiman, estranged brother of the now deceased Dave Kleiman, is suing Craig Wright for 1.1 million BTC on behalf of the estate of Dave Kleiman.Ira is asserting that Craig and Dave were behind the Satoshi Nakamoto pseudonym and are the joint creators of Bitcoin and as such …

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An Inconvenient Truth

Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) surround new markets, assets and commodities. This is especially true for cryptocurrency. Empirical analysis can cut through FUD and blatant lies. One piece of information that stands out at the moment is this: In the three vertical columns we see BTC, BCH and BSV. These are the three SHA256 coins laying claim to being Bitcoin. …

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El Salvador Isn’t Using BTC

Let’s get some facts straight on the stories about El Salvador adopting BTC as legal tender. First, the average retail worker’s wage in El Salvador is ~$400/month. The average transaction fee on BTC is ~$5 and has recently spiked over $50. Given these facts how would a person making $400 / month use a system that has fees for a …

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Markets and Little Fluffy Clouds

In the post we’ll review trends and targets for BTC and ETH. BTC daily cloud below. There were several notable moments on this chart: when price broke below Kijun (red line) around 56k, when price closed inside cloud around 50k and finally when price went below cloud around 42k. All of those signals were tradable. Behind the paywall I’ll show …

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The largest BTC conference in the world is happening this weekend. Day 1, June 4th, is available here: Let’s see how BTC Miami is going: BTC Miami is the new Fyre Festival. — Emin Gün Sirer🔺 (@el33th4xor) June 4, 2021 Oof, let’s check in on a keynote from Day 1, Max Keiser and Michael Saylor. where did we go …

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Nassim Nicholas Taleb is hitting BTC cucks between the eyes with two by fours of logic.   Taleb’s Twitter account is locked so let me summarize his replies to the angry BTC crowd with a picture. I don’t know what Taleb will say at the pro BSV Coingeek conference in June. But the fact he’s telling BTC cucks on twitter …

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