
BSV Technicals Update

Prior to sharing charts keep in mind the markets are incredibly irrational regarding Bitcoin SV and as the famous saying goes: “The markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.” I expect a bloodbath in “Crypto” as the market adjusts prices based on fundamentals. BSV may not escape this bloodbath but if it happens BSV should be the …

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I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

I’ll be brief in this update. Don’t listen to the FUD about Bitcoin SV. Crypto news is mostly poor reporting and hyped rumors for manipulation. Moderate your BSV bags to your own comfort level and ignore the noise. I’ve been seeing this as a recurring theme. Welcome home, anon.— Orctep (@Orctep) November 12, 2019 Even the 4chan trolls are …

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RIP My Enemies

Let’s take a look at some data about BTC and BSV. I have no doubt my new favorite commenters will counter this info with their own charts. Let the games begin. BSV can do everything BTC can do and more yet it’s 825 times more expensive to transact on BTC. This is why products like Twetch are being created. Less …

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Allow myself to…..defend…myself

Looks like my last post got someone’s attention. Here’s their lengthy reply: I’ve followed Coinspeak since his/her first post here, thankful that Based Fly conscripted a crypto writer. Although I rarely agreed with the posts, I continued to read with an open mind to survey the BCH thesis (as I held a large amount of coins prior to the hard …

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The Bitcoin Economy Part 2

Follow up to The Bitcoin Economy Part 1. Bitcoin is a genie that can’t be put back in the bottle. I can only point to the tip of an iceberg in a blog but this summary is the result of years of research on my part. Things to research if you want to begin to understand Bitcoin: Byzantine General’s Problem – how …

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Macro Guy Groks Bitcoin

Last night I watched a RealVision video about Bitcoin. In a moment I will tell you why this video is important. RealVision focuses on Macro market views. Despite their slight gold bias most of their content is well supported in terms of data and balanced opinion. This is the RealVision interview on Bitcoin. Here is why this is an important video: This …

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Playtime is OVER

Sorry Crypto Kiddies, it’s time to grow up. Pumping coins on the latest meme was good times while it lasted. Trust me, I enjoy a good meme. Everyone makes money in a bull market and 2017 was a grand bubble. On large timeframes, we’ve been dead cat bouncing ever since. BTC down 10% from time I tweeted this two days …

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Priced out of California

Cost of living in California is spiraling upwards at a dizzying pace. I left in November of 2018 because even though I make Bitcoin sized returns California still seems insanely unaffordable. Sure, San Diego has perfect weather but housing and rents have doubled within a few years. This is not sustainable. I see a huge correction coming to “America’s Finest City”. For rentals, …

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Road To Winship

This is Gentlemen. Fitting I start this post with a crypto saying. Crypto has been entertaining. The memes are memorable. The drama never ending. Say goodbye to all that shit. Crypto fun and games are over. BSV is up 30% in six days since I posted Buy The Blood and Crypto is a Ponzi. Congress is sick of the money laundering …

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Worst Case

100 BSV = $13,500 When 1 BSV = $13,500 Your $13,500 will be worth $1,350,000 Worst case you lose $13,500.

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