
BSV Technical Analysis

New post on BSV fundamental and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis is free. TA is behind $1 paywall. Link here: https://www.bitpaste.app/tx/6e4faac241225343f2f516e4fe19aad8f8e69ae536a360c386bc42d4dd99595d

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As Q4 gains steam I looked back at my 2019 predictions. In hindsight, I could have been more specific with my targets but overall I’d grade myself a B-. S&P can still correct, real estate is getting soft, Gold pumped then retraced, Mueller was a nothing burger, Crypto is a still a mess. The BSV CG conference last week in …

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What I’m Watching

A few things I’m watching for Bitcoin this week and for Q4 2019. Today, Sept 30, is BSV Stress Test Day. Several services and purpose built tools will be used to flood the BSV network with traffic. The goal is to test the limits of the network in number of transactions and block size hoping to exceed the last stress …

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Bitcoin Trading Signals

I use several Technical Analysis indicators including Ichimoku Cloud, Renko charts, MA crosses, trendlines etc. One indicator many people reference specifically in trading BTC is called the Mayer Multiple. The Mayer Multiple is explained here. Here is a chart of the Mayer Multiple for Bitcoin SV compiled from daily closing price on coinmarketcap.com. MM in blue, 21MA of the MM …

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Bitcoin Court Case Settlement

There is a court document circulating online that indicates there may soon be a settlement in the Ira Kleiman v Craig S Wright court case. Ira Kleiman is suing Craig S Wright for 500k Bitcoins claiming his deceased brother Dave was part of the creation of Bitcoin and that Craig S Wright owes Ira half of a Bitcoin trust established …

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Bitcoin is Smart Money

When you hear the term Smart Money what comes to mind? For many, it’s institutional investors with privileged information pulling the strings on market movements. Smart Money consists of the insiders, the mythical perfect traders, that group of people that is always two steps ahead of the average Joe and one step ahead of you. When I talk about Smart …

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Kleiman v Wright for $5 Billion

For those interested in a clear headed summary of the Kleiman vs Wright lawsuit.

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On Second Thought, FUCK OFF

Good Thursday to you all, even the haters. As a follow up to Allow Myself to Defend Myself…. This is another BSV focused Op-Ed. Please direct all complaints to flybroker AT gmail dot com Today I have been introduced to yet another peak at the future running exclusively on BSV. It’s called baemail and it’s a BSV web email client that …

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Crypto is a Ponzi

Simply put, time is limited for Crypto. I expect another bear swoon maybe as soon as this Summer. The counter to this is Bitfinex and Tether will pump BTC in one last glorious exit pump, dumping at a peak on retail noobs conditioned to HODL. This will be the last hurrah. Bitfinex implicated in a 850M fraud on April 24. …

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The Bitcoin Economy Part 1

Technology has transformed the human experience over the past 150 years. Medicine can now prevent and treat many previously incurable diseases. We can traverse the planet in hours instead of years. One farmer can feed a small town. Cars did not exist when my Great Grandmother was born. Technology moves fast. One area that we have not transformed is breaking …

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