The Real Jake Gint?

This dude made himself a shirt out of gold. For the ladies of course.

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My Portfolio in Video Form

This video reminds me of my portfolio. I am the fireman rushing from stock to stock to put out fires. Most fires have been of the small backyard variety but I have had some multi tenant highrise torchers as well. Sometimes the market works with you, sometimes against you. Lately it’s been against. Here’s to a better 2013.

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VMW: Stay Within the Lines

VMW has been range bound for ~2 years. How range bound? It’s imitating the basejumpers in this video going up and down a tower in Kuala Lumpur over three days. Buy at 87 and sell at 95ish will be my game with VMW.    

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You know nothing John Snow (FB and YELP)

A few weeks ago there were several IBC blog posts bashing FB and YELP. I should know, I wrote several of them. Look at them now. FB is up more than 20% since June 1. YELP up for 50% gain. RaginCajun and ChessNWine opened and closed FB positions. IBC blamed FB for everything from egregious stock losses to impotence. There …

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Stick a Fork in $YELP

Google just added a “Local” section to Google+. LOL NO ONE USES GOOGLE+ you say? Partially true. Today. But the people that matter do (the early adopters), and the rest will follow. Google has a long term plan to organize the world’s information. Ever use their search? They seem to be doing a pretty good job of it so far. …

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Only Happy When It Rains

As a confirmed bear shitter in King Le Fly’s court I am making efforts to retain my top hat during this market swoon, covered in burlap as it may be. However, I will not expose any additional funds to shorting the market. I am already in over my head and bailing water from Q1 2012. Yes, I got net short …

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This is where Facebook Works

I run a consulting business. For me, FB is a blackhole of advertising dollars. I have an artist friend who draws robots. His advertising dollars on FB have resulted in 10’s of thousands of page fans, customers from Europe and Asia and a very significant bump in revenue. FB ads are great for that type of niche player. The deep …

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Facebook Crackheads

(This was drafted Thursday night before the IPO.) At $38/share FB will be valued at $100 Billion. That is 1/10th of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. Supposedly FB has ~1 Billion users. That means each user is worth $100 (at $38/share). If a click through on a FB ad is worth $10 to FB then each user would need to click on …

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$FTNT on watch

$FTNT is down in sympathy with $CSCO. Looks like it just broke the bottom of a channel with support around 20. I will leg into a position starting around 22. Strong management (Ken Xie who sold NetScreen to $JNPR for 3.5B), good recurring revenue subscription model and Gartner Tech Quadrant leader. $FTNT is the real deal. I like their story …

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How I Feel About Your Face(book)

Facebook says mobile users will hurt their ad revenues the same day they announce a Facebook App Store. Why an App Store when Facebook admits that the mobile experience is becoming the default experience for users (a MOBILE experience that is decidedly not Facebook friendly)? Because once a dumbass Facebook user signs up for an app, that app has access …

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